About Me

My name is Ashleigh and I’m the new owner of Mumma Cow Eco. I took over the reigns from the current owener of the Hide and Seek Children’s Market, the lovely Alyce Cowling, (hence the name) in July 2020, after she established it in January of the same year. I live on the beautiful Northern Rivers NSW and became a Mum in 2019, to my boy, August.

I’ve always been fairly eco-conscious, but during my mid 20’s, my love for the environment and the drive to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, became more of a priority for me. I started to adopt plastic-free habits and zero-waste elements into my everyday living and household. Having my partner on board with changes definitely made things easier, as well as a best friend who was also going down the same path. We looked at all aspects of our lives to see if we could make just one small change towards a low-waste lifestyle, and I’m so proud of what we’ve achieved so far. I’m definitely not perfect, but in the words of the Zero Waste Chef, Anne-Marie Bonneau, “ we don’t need a handful of people doing zero-waste perfectly, we need millions doing it imperfectly”.

Now that I have a child, I feel so strongly about setting an example for him, and providing him with a stable and healthy environment for his future, as well as the skills to maintain it. We use cloth nappies and wipes, secondhand clothes and toys, we utilise our local toy library, avoid single use, compost and grow veggies, use biodegradable and natural products where we can and basically just live as plastic free and sustainable as we possibly can.

I want to be able to share my tips, tricks and products to help live a low-waste lifestyle with as many people as I can. I want other families to be adopting eco-friendly habits, and I would love to help you on that journey. The reason I took over Mumma Cow Eco was to provide families with affordable options to live sustainably and encourage and help overcome any challenges and obstacles.

I have many exciting things planned for my small business and I will be stocking new products as well as keeping old favourites. So please follow along and join me in saving our planet, and if there’s anything you want to know or anything you’d like to see in store, shoot me a message on my socials or email me at mummacoweco@gmail.com.

I look forward to providing your family with the best eco products and helping you on your sustainable journey. Thankyou for supporting small business and for caring for our environment 💚

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”